Rabu, 15 Januari 2020

8 Red Joan (Dwi Retno Asih) Merdeka is not a prison


Red Joan (Dwi Retno Asih)

Merdeka is not a prison

Freedom is an opportunity
For rank seekers
The desk drawer was locked by the safe
The count did not have time to be precise

Freedom is a delusion
Translucent sky translucent earth
Fly to fall because of dreams
Collided with layered imagination

But independence is also a term of life
For the fighters buried in history
Land and water are also stones, puffs of gunpowder explosion
Minions collide in shackles

But independence is not a prison
Because day and night shouted independence
At home
In the apparatus buildings
In the field
On the highway
At a red light
In the mind that was jailed for independence.

Dwi Retno Asih, choosing the pen name Redd Joan. Usually called RJ. Born 46 years ago in Lampung. Since 2004 pitted his fortune in neighboring countries until now. Become a staff of Kuala Manpower employment agency. Have followed some anthology with friends fb. Writing is a hobby and likes the world of literature as an expression of love for Indonesian.