Rabu, 15 Januari 2020

29 Sujudi Akbar Pamungkas I read


Sujudi Akbar Pamungkas

I read

I read a lot of Indonesia
is a rich country of riches
but many times I think Indonesia
there is no mercy on this poverty
increasingly acute in people's villages
I read a lot of Indonesia
is a large independent country
but many times I think Indonesia
also not freeing this fate
from the shackles of fellow oppression
many times I read Indonesia
is a fair and prosperous country
but I guess many times Indonesia
never wise
when power robs us of our rights
many times I read Indonesia
is an anti-rasuah country
but I guess many times Indonesia
not wholeheartedly eradicate
looting and extortion of life
Indonesia, many times I read
turns out to be just a simple elegy series
the eternal fairy land of the dreamers
here only the ruling power
what would my life say to you
(part, 010819)

Sujudi Akbar Pamungkas, born in Tuban 1971. Writing poetry, short stories and reportage since high school. Several times have been nominated for LCP throughout Indonesia. Poetry works are partly summarized in dozens of anthology books such as the 1997 Indonesian Poetry Anthology with Sutardji Calzoum Bachri and Slamet Sukirnanto. Resurrection 1995, Vibrate 1996, Negeri Bekantan 2003, Memo for President 2014, Arranging Peace in 2014, Sangoka 2014, Yellow Jacket Sukirnanto 2014, Century Crow Crow in Palestinian Land 2015, Kalimantan Eternal Heart of 3015, Poetry Against Corruption-6 2017, I wrote 2017 Your name is Batu 2018, A Skyful of Rain 2018, Emerald Equator 2019, Mblekethek 2019 etc. He has been active as a lecturer, broadcaster, journalist and editor of print and radio media. He once published a news tabloid that was toppled by the 2001 Sampit Tragedy. His biography was included in the 2000 Susastra Indonesia Lexicon by Korrie Layun Rampan.