Jumat, 03 Januari 2020

63. Cak Sudi ; Freedom Is Love

Freedom Is Love

Freedom is love
There is no eternal independence other than living in love
Dusk and a cup of coffee led me to a miss
In the carefree carnival of seven dozen in my village
In the shouting of independence, the boys were bare-chested while running red and white with their hands on their hands
Twilight and a cup of coffee lead me to love without pause
I already fell in love with the rain and dusk on this archipelago earth
In Indonesia with Pancasila and Unity in Diversity if it is so alive
In the arms of love, Indonesia is always alive and independent without a pause in my heart
There was a little dust and mud splashing red and white on the way
But I'm raining with love that is always ready to make it clean and smile again
Because freedom is love

@caksudi_Sang Kavya Bayu Pavana

Sudiyanto, usually called Cak Sudi. The poet born in Sumenep on March 9, who now lives in Bekasi. The poet, educator, and researcher who is a lover of coffee, history, literature, and culture is active in several organizations and communities, including as Chairman of the National Heritage (Purnama Sastra Loka) Nusantara, Chairperson of the Kasepuhan Large Family Unit (KKBK) of West Java, Banten, Kab. Bekasi, Member of the Oral Tradition Association (ATL), etc. Published 21 books both fiction and non-fiction. His latest poem book "Sebait Senja" (CMN, 2018), is now preparing his new book. Can be contacted at sudisajalah@gmail.com.