Indri Yuswandari
Where is the direction of the wind
On red soil and spilled tears
we look face to face
like stars and merjan scattered
like a pendulum swinging past time frame
I don't know where upstream we are
the aroma of sea water is very thick anesthetize thousands of fireflies lost light
the wind sniffs the strands of children sparkling hair
I don't know where the wind finds your shadow
dry afternoon that took me to your beach
sometimes naughty playing the tip of the dress reveals the dots of the journey between islands
Your greatness escapes the name of the road
Your glory is not recorded in palm leaves
The sky is watching the flame of incense at prayer
Earth saves love offerings to Mega
Kendal, 01.08.2019
Indri Yuswandari
Where is the direction of the wind
On red soil and spilled tears
we look face to face
like stars and merjan scattered
like a pendulum swinging past time frame
I don't know where upstream we are
the aroma of sea water is very thick anesthetize thousands of fireflies lost light
the wind sniffs the strands of children sparkling hair
I don't know where the wind finds your shadow
dry afternoon that took me to your beach
sometimes naughty playing the tip of the dress reveals the dots of the journey between islands
Your greatness escapes the name of the road
Your glory is not recorded in palm leaves
The sky is watching the flame of incense at prayer
Earth saves love offerings to Mega
Kendal, 01.08.2019