Rabu, 15 Januari 2020

19 Roymon Lemosol In an independent land


Roymon Lemosol

In an independent land

in a land that has been independent for decades
I see the people are still up in arms
maintain customary rights over customary lands

in a land that has been independent for decades
I heard the voice of his people moaning in pain
heavily in debt

in a land that has been independent for decades
I witnessed its people striving to fight
fight poverty

in a land that has been independent for decades
I followed the people hobbling
seeking justice

in a land that has been independent for decades
I spell the mer-de-ka-ness
Ambon, August 1, 2019

Roymon Lemosol, born in Lumoli, West Seram Regency, Maluku, August 24, 1971. His poems have graced the pages of a number of local and national media, including Fuly Magazine, Asau, Lombok Post, Suara NTB, Banjarmasin Post, Riau Post, Riau Post Indonesia, Media Indonesia etc. Some are contained in dozens of shared anthologies. His poem "Return" won the Poetry Choice of the Great Movement of 1000 Asean Teachers Writing Poetry in 2019. The book collection of his poems, A Wound from the Land of the Night (Rain Roots, 2015), Traces of Love in the Land of Kings (Teras Budaya, 2019).