Selasa, 24 Maret 2020

Roymon Lemosol : Ketika Corona Datang

7.Roymon Lemosol :

Ketika Corona Datang

corona datang
kucuci tangan
segera sesudah makan
hal yang tak pernah kulakukan
sepanjang perjalanan kehidupan

corona datang
dipaksanya aku blusukan
ke sekolahan
kantor-kantor pemerintahan
dan rumah-rumah peribadahan

tak dapat kusangkal
betapa corona telah mengubah tatanan kehidupan
dari kebersaman jadi kesendirian
keramaian jadi kesunyian
persekutuan jadi perseteruan
dari berjabat tangan ketika salam-salaman
jadi sikut-sikutan
bahkan tak jarang sepak-sepakan

agen pembawa perubahan
begitulah terpaksa aku menyebutnya

Ambon, 21 Maret 2020

7.Roymon Lemosol, kelahiran Lumoli, Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat, Maluku, 24 Agustus 1971. Puisi-puisinya pernah terbuplikasi di halaman sejumlah media cetak lokal maupun nasional, antara lain Majalah Fuly, Asau, Lombok Post, Suara NTB, Banjarmasin Post, Riau Post, Koran Seputar Indonesia, Media Indonesia dll. Sebagian lagi termaktub dalam 45 buku antolgi bersama. Puisinya yang berjudul “Pulang” meraih Anugerah Puisi Pilihan, Gerakan Akbar 1000 Guru Asean Menulis Puisi 2018. Buku kumpulan puisinya, Sebilah Luka Dari Negeri Malam (Akar Hujan, 2015), Jejak Cinta Di Negeri Raja-raja (Teras Budaya, 2019). Roymon dapat dihubungi melali HP/WA: 085243130770 e-mail

Asep Muhlis : Dari Corona Atawa Mahkota

6.Asep Muhlis :

Dari Corona Atawa Mahkota

Andai suatu saat tak dapat berjabat tangan
ketahuilah, aku telah lebih dulu
menjabat lirikan dan senyummu

Dan kerlingmu menggelayut
kadang berkepak, kadang menukik
berkelindan di dada dan ingatan
aku bertahan dalam kepayahan
yang kusesap tak bersudah

Walau suatu saat tak dapat menggam tanganku
bukankah kita telah saling menggenggam rindu
dengan sangat hati-hati
agar tak retak selamanya

Maafkan aku,
dulu sering tak lekas cuci muka,
setiap usai bertandang ke rumahmu
lantaran takut bayang wajahmu
hanyut oleh air bermuatan nafsu
maka biarlah mengendap
bersama garam susah-payahku

Tak perlu aneh, kini orang-orang
memberi nama badai, jasad renik jahat,
atau penyakit dengan nama yang indah
lebih puitis dari penyair
mungkin karena kini
penyair kurang doyan bahasa bunga

Entahlah, mari kita rajin mencuci tangan
agar tak ada selera untuk mengutip
berkumur untuk tak terpapar kenyinyiran
membasuh muka dari memandang yang tak senonoh

Serupa mahkota bunga yang ditopang kelopak
kau adalah keindahan
dan aku harus sanggup melindungi

Serang, 13 Maret 2020

Ninja Ngantor

Senin dini hari, gigil menyergap
di depan meja penerima tamu, dua orang petugas
menyergap setiap pegawai yang datang
menodongkan alat pengukur suhu tubuh
sinar merah berkedip di jidat.
Beruntung, alat pencatat kehadiran elektronik
dengan mendekatkan retina mata dan wajah,
andai harus menempelkan sidik jari
boleh jadi akan pada menghindar, menjauh,
layaknya bertemu orang berpenyakit kudis

Kesibukan menyergap, semua jadwal berubah
kegiatan baru lebih deras, lebih cepat
dengan resiko sulit diduga
blangko teknik tersaji, masih kosong
kerentanan bagai mengusir gerombolan lebah
ini hari pertama maklumat diberlakukan
kalender saat itu menunjukan 16 Maret 2020.
Entah hari beku, entah hari  mendidih, entah hari limbung
pase baru yang belum dialami sebelumnya

Dikeluarkan botol antiseptik
masker diwajah belum dibuka
hidup serupa bajingan
selalu siap senjata dan penutup wajah.

Batuk ditakuti, bersin ditakuti,
tombol lift dicurigai, tarikan pintu dicurigai,
kran air diwaspadai, pipa pegangan di selasar diprasagkai.
Layaknya pasangan yang telah tersakiti
semua prilaku dan bahasa tubuh dicurigai
bahkan semua benda diwaspadai.
hidup yang aneh telah dimulai
menjadi intelejen dadakan, tanpa analisa.

 (Oh..bukan, bukan begitu,
kehati-hatian yang ketat memang begitu konsekwensinya)

Pikiran terus berlari, membayangkan keadaan di luar kantor
mungkin bangku taman akan dicurigai,
kursi tunggu diwaspadai,

peralatan makan di restoran ditakuti, kursi bioskop ditakuti
virus corona yang sangat kecil dan tak terlihat
lebih menakutkan dari gendoruwo yg konon raksasa

Kepanikan yang serius
membuat logika tak jalan,
keakraban rontok, keyakinan terlupakan.
Lantas, dilihat lagi botol hand sanitizer
diraba lagi masker di wajah
kalender di atas meja nampak lesu.

(Di sisi lain pikiran menjadi jinak dan lindap ;
"mari kita junjung kehati-hatian,
hanya pengorbanan kecil, berupa menahan diri" )

Sejurus kemudian, ada iri yang mendadak terbit
melihat seseorang  sering mendatangi kran air
berwudhu dengan seksama
mampu menyisihkan dua rakaat ke dua rakaat
sebelum kerja, pada jam kerja, bahkan pada hening malam
ia nampak begitu tenang, anteng
melakukan yang disukainya.
Ia selalu menyempurnakan wudhunya
memelihara wudhu dari waktu ke waktu
dari kegiatan ke kegiatan

Ternyata air tidak hanya memadamkan api
tapi mampu memadamkan kobaran gelisah
dan kecemasan
Ialah air ajaib yang diberkati
Serang, 17 Maret 2020

Keterangan ;
anteng=(Bahasa Daerah; Sunda) = tenang, asik
antiseptik=(Inggris ; antiseptic ) ; senyawa kimia yang digunakan untuyk membunuh atau menghambat pertumbuhan mikroorganisma pada jaringan yang hidup, seperti pada kulit, rongga mulut
hand sanitizer =pembersih tangan, cairan atau pasta yang umumnya untuk mengurangi zat/jasad renik penyebab penyakit

Asep Muhlis, lahir di Ciamis- Jawa Barat, 21 Januari 1963
Pernah belajar di IKIP Bandung
Tinggal di Kota Serang – Banten
Puisinya dimuat dalam ;
Antologi puisi bersama MENYERUAK, penerbit D3M Kail, Jakarta, 2018
Antologi puisi bersama DARI NEGERI BAHARI , penerbit Kosa Kata Kita (KKK), Jakarta, 2018
Antologi puisi bersama CINTAMU KUJAGA, penerbit D3M Kail, Jakarta, 2018
Antologi puisi bersama REMAH RINDU, penerbit D3M Kail, Jakarta, 2019
Kumpulan Pentigraf WANITA GURU BANGSA, penerbit D3M Kail, Jakarta 2019
Antologi puisi bersama KOMANDAN, penerbit D3M Kail, Jakarta, 2019
Antologi puisi bersama NEGERI PENYAIR, Forum Silaturahmi Penyair Lintas Daerah Nusantara, Jogjakarta, 2019
Antologi Puisi Gila Penyair Indonesia WONG KENTHIR, Lumbung Puisi Sastrawan Indonesia Edisi Spesial, penerbit Penebar Media Utama, Yogyakarta, 2020

Arif Abdil Bar, : Aku , Kau & Corona

5.Arif Abdil Bar, :

Aku , Kau & Corona

Jalani hari di dalam
Seakan selalu malam
Membuat hati terbenam
Sosokmu kian temaram
Akibat Corona yang mencekam

Namun aku menyadari itu hanya awan hitam
Namun aku menyadari kau terasa kelam
Akibat Corona yang mencekam

Tapi senyummu tetap tajam
Bersinar bak bohlam
Disana aku bersemayam
Kau usir Corona dan semacam
Ahirnya ku katakan pada Corona, wassalam,
Padamu welcome...

Probolinggo, 21/03/2020

Maya Ofifa Kristianti : Mestinya malam ini

4.Maya Ofifa Kristianti :

Mestinya malam ini

Mestinya malam ini
Aku mengunjungimu
Di bumi mina tani, bukit gunung wungkal, di rumahmu yang kini

Mestinya malam ini
Ku tabur mawar di peraduanmu
Ku lafadzkan ayat alquran
Ku senandungkan dzikir
Ku peluk nisanmu, sambil mengenang masa dulu

Papa, negeri kita sedang terkena bencana
Ada virus baru yang bernama corona, yang bisa menyerang siapa saja, tanpa pilih nama

Maafkan papa
Kami tak bisa ke mana
Bukan karena kami takut corona
Tetapi lebih karena waspada

Mestinya malam ini
Aku mengunjungimu, tidak lewat online seperti yang pemerintah mau.

Maya Ofifa, Ibu rumah tangga
Senang membaca puisi. Dari semarang.

.Sutarso : Protes di Darurat Corona

3.Sutarso :

Protes di Darurat Corona

"Daripada panik,
 tidak lebih baik piknik
 mesti kemungkinannya
 jauh dari mungkin?
 Bukankah mungkin
 dan tidak mungkin
 punya nasibnya
 masing masing, diriku?
 Mungkin juga, yang di
 bawah ini mungkin:
 kita pernah bilang, 'Dia
 tidak tidur' tapi kita
 kucingkucingan di
 kita pernah bersumpah
 'pantang ngadali teman
 padahal menipu teman jadi
 komoditi andalan?
 kita pandai teriakkan hidup
 bersih, kedodoran di
 perilaku bersih.
 kita ingin sehat tapi pola
 hidup kita tidak sehat.
 Mungkin,  kita suka
 tapi tidak suka dinasehati.
 kita pernah mengaku sakit
 tapi tidak berpenyakit.
 kita bilang 'enak
 tinggal di  rumah sendiri'
 nyatanya betah
 di penginapan mewah.
 anak kita belajarnya
 garuk kepala terus
 tapi harus
 nilai raportnya bagus.
 ada di antara kita
 yang bicara keras hubungan antar lawan jenis mesti ada batas
dia sendiri di luar batas?
Sausapor, 14 Maret 2020

M. Muchdlorul Faroh : Dipaksa Libur

2.M. Muchdlorul Faroh :

Dipaksa Libur

dilihat sekilas kau nampak garam
pemerintahpun kau buat
ketar ketir ketakutan
wabahmu sempat getarkan dunia
sekolah sekolahpun ikut jadi dampak
kau paksa kami berpisah dengan guru
kau buat jeda antara aku dan teman bertemu
dan harus menunggu selama 2 pekan
tuk melebur rindu
pagiku sekarang hanyalah antara aku, jalan sepi, dan kopi yang mulai mendingin
sudah tak ada lagi teman yang membuat riuh
tak ada lagi guru yang bersenandung lama
dan tak ada lagi papan tulis yang belepotan oleh tinta
darimu aku harus berpisah dengan sekolah
dan dipaksa libur tuk ngangsu kaweruh

Supianoor : Semua Siaga Semua Berjaga

1. Supianoor :

Semua Siaga Semua Berjaga

Bermula di Wuhan negerinya tirai bambu
Ratusan bahkan ribuan orang tergelapar tak sadarkan diri
Suhu badan meningkat bahkan banyak  yang wafat
Kemudian menyebar dan beterbangan ke penuru dunia
Eropa,asia,aprika tak luput dari serangannya
Tak terkecuali nusantara kita Indonesia tercinta

Semua rakyat siaga
Dari Presiden hingga rakyat jelata
Mulai istana hingga emper rumahan
Mereka diskusi  tentang wabah yang satu ini
Dari Jakarta hingga pelosok negeri
Semua siaga semua beraga
Dengan peralatan dengan gaya kehidupan
Tanah Bumbu, Maret 2019

1.Supianoor dilahirkan di Kusan Hulu, sebuah kecamatan yang berada di pelosok Kalimantan Selatan pada tanggal 1 Juli 1969. Puisi-puisinya terdapat dalam antologi bersama Buitenzorg Bogor Dalam Puisi Penyair Nusantara (2017), Berbagi Kebahagiaan (2019), Surak Sumampai (2019)Sekarang bertugas sebagai Kepala SMPN 4 Kusan Hulu. Bisa dihubungi di no Hp/WA 081348562835 atau E-mail

Lumbung Puisi Mencatat Peristiwa Negeri ini yang terserang Corona melalui Antologi Puisi Karya Penyair Indonesia

Rabu, 15 Januari 2020

1. Matthew Isaac Cohen Suluk Topeng


Matthew Isaac Cohen

Suluk Topeng

Translated by Matthew Isaac Cohen

The poem below is an example of aesthetic theory and lyric theology from Java (Indonesia). It is a meditation on the philosophy of appearance in relation to performance. The text originates from Cirebon, a coastal area of Java’s west coast that is known for its lively folk arts and ancient mystical traditions. The redaction I translate here is from an early nineteenth century manuscript compiled by a mosque official known as ‘Abdul Kahar and Sultan Adiwijaya of the royal house of Kacerbonan.
  The nominal subject of the poem is topeng, the mask theatre or mask dance, a popular daytime entertainment filled with comedy and exciting dancing performed to the accompaniment of gamelan music. Sometimes a series of dances with comic interludes is performed, less often a story is enacted. (The poem refers to the character of Pekik Anom, also known as Jaka Pekik, the eponymous hero of a play titled Jaka Pekik or Jaka Menyawak.) Cognate traditions of topeng exist elsewhere in Java, as well as in the neighbouring islands of Bali and Madura.
Topeng is likened in the poem to the third stage on the mystical path to enlightenment— kakekat, which means Truth or Reality. The poem speaks vividly on an allegorical level – contemplating the theatrical apparatus provides perspective, in Kenneth Burke’s usage, upon relations with the Divine. It is the third of a suite of mystical poems or suluk dealing with performance—the first compares shadow puppetry with Law, the second compares animal dances in full-body costumes to The Path and the fourth compares the female social dancer to Seeing God. The unifying scheme structuring the suite is that the less mediation there is between the animator and the object of performance, the closer one gets to Divine Union.
The suite of poems exists in multiple manuscript copies in major collections, and is well known to scholars of Javanese literature, though it has yet to be translated into English as a whole. I have translated and provided an extensive commentary on the first of the suite (Suluk Wayang) elsewhere. Someday I hope to translate the work as a whole.


Topeng appears at mid-day
though this is but a symbol.
It is actually kakekat
artfully ensconced in the form of topeng.

The performer and the object of performance can be said to be one and the same.
There is nothing else.
But there is still concealment.
On the face, there is a mask as wrana [screen, pretext, substitute, representation]

Kakekat, because it is candid, masquerades as ignorance,
on the face of things.
Genuinely swift motion has yet to occur.
That is the way of kakekat in art.

My creation in the mask art
Is the ability to transform.
The performer is invisible.
It is the mask that attracts attention.

Then the performer returns and changes his mask.
Things get increasingly mixed up.
It’s as if one does not know or has
forgotten that the performer doing the mask dance has bodily substance.

The excellent mask performance I do not attribute to the performer.
Mouth wide open, the neck gets sore from looking
At the masked performer representing Pekik Anom.
I consider this not as the performer.

One recalls that it is a performer doing the mask dance
when one sees
him change his mask to impersonate a woman,
very attractive and eye-pleasing.

Then the performer, that crazed pig, picks up
and changes into another mask
He’s like a ferocious demon and people [watching] make a move,
intending to strike him as they perceive this to be not the performer.

Most of those watching the mask performance go home.
I do not look
at the face. What is visible,
what is given to ponder, is the performer in my own self.

Like when the performer himself does mask dance,
what is then also visible
are not two masks indeed.
I cannot discuss this matter furthermore.

I am unable to run from the mask performance
I am unable to be still
in the movement of my body.
That is why I originate with Allah and go towards Allah.

On reflection, there is no place for me to run to.
A masked dancer impersonating a lion will run
but will return in the end to the same place.
This is recipient of the Lord’s tribulations.

Provide me with ample shelter, Oh Lord.
Protect your humble servant
in all my movements…

Matthew Isaac Cohen ,  Areas of specialization :Art and Culture of Southeast Asia (particularly Indonesia), Asian Theatre, World Puppetry, Cross-Cultural and Transnational Art and Performance, Histories of Popular Culture, Cultural Heritage
Academic employment :2019-present Professor of World Arts and Culture, Department of Dramatic Arts, University of Connecticut, USA
2011-2019 Professor of International Theatre, Department of Drama, Theatre & Dance, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
2005-2011 Senior Lecturer, Department of Drama & Theatre, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
2001-2005 Lecturer, Department of Theatre, Film & Television Studies, University of Glasgow, UK
1998-2000  Postdoctoral Research Fellow, International Institute for Asian Studies, the  Netherlands.
Visiting Positions since 2009:
2018-2019 Senior Fellow, Institute of Sacred Music at Yale University, to research the history of wayang
2017 Visiting Senior Fellow, Yale University Art Gallery to research and help curate the Dr. Walter Angst and Sir Henry Angest Collection of Indonesian Puppets
2015-2016 External Curator at the British Museum for the temporary exhibition ‘Shadow Puppet Theatre from Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand’
2015 Visiting Research Professor (Spring Term), University of Connecticut, USA
2011-12 Research Fellow, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Wassenaar, The Netherlands
2009 Visiting Associate Professor, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Degrees awarded
1997 PhD in Sociocultural Anthropology with Departmental Distinction, Yale University (Thesis title: An Inheritance from the Friends of God: The Southern Shadow Puppet Theater of West Java, Indonesia)
1992 MPhil in Sociocultural Anthropology, Yale University
1990 Certificate in Puppetry from the Wonogiri branch of Ganasidi, Indonesia’s National Puppetry Organization
1988 AB Magna cum Laude in Psychology, Harvard College
Mayor awards and distinctions:
2018 Awarded the royal name ‘Ki Dalang Bawana’ (Sir Puppeteer of the World) by Sultan Arief Natadiningrat of the court of Kasepuhan, West Java, Indonesia
2011 Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study Fellowship
2009 Awarded the royal title ‘Ki Ngabehi’ (equivalent to a knighthood) from Sultan Abdul Gani of the royal court of Kacirebonan, West Java, Indonesia
2008 American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship
2008 Harry J. Benda Prize in Southeast Asian studies, awarded by the Association for Asian Studies
2016 Inventing the Performing Arts: Modernity and Tradition in Colonial Indonesia. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai’i Press.
2010 Performing Otherness: Java and Bali on International Stages, 1905-1952. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
2010 Contemporary Southeast Asian Performance: Transnational Perspectives/ Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. (Co-editor with Laura Noszlopy)
2010 The Lontar Anthology of Indonesian Drama, Volume 1: Plays for the Popular Stage. Jakarta: Lontar. 
2006. The Komedie Stamboel: Popular Theater in Colonial Indonesia, 1891-1903. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press and Leiden: KITLV Press.
1998 Demon Abduction: A Wayang Ritual Drama from West Java. Jakarta: The Lontar Foundation.
Javanese shadow puppet theatre (Wayang Kulit) performances :
I have performed more than 30 wayang kulit plays as solo puppeteer since 1989. Below are some of the more important performances since 2006.
2016 The Birth of Kangsa and Kangsa’s Cockfight, English-language shadow puppet play performance with Gamelan Kridha Budaya Sari at the Linden-Museum Stuttgart
2015 Arjuna’s Meditation, English-language shadow puppet play performed at the British Museum (with ISBI Bandung, 2 hours), Harvard University’s Arts First Festival (with Gamelan Si Betty, 2 hours) and at the Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry at the University of Connecticut (1 hour).
2012 Lokananta: The Gamelan of the Gods, performed in English with 150 gamelan musicians from around the United Kingdom at the Roger Kirk Centre, University of York, UK (8 hours).
2011 Anoman, the Envoy, performed in English with Gamelan Madu Sari at Gong! The Vancouver Gamelan Festival, Goldcorp Centre for the Arts, Vancouver, Canada (2 hours).
2011 A Dalang in Search of Wayang. Lecture-performance with Javanese shadow puppets performed at the 1st Asian Theatre Festival, Thessaloniki (Greece); Centre for Creative  Collaboration, London (UK); Puppetry and Post-Dramatic Performance: An International Conference on Performing Objects in the 21st Century, University of Connecticut (USA); Department of Theatre, Speech, and Dance at Brown University (USA); CHIME-APAF International Conference on Traditional Performing Arts in Contemporary Asia (UK); Buxton Puppet Festival (UK); Indonesia Kontemporer Festival (UK); Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (Netherlands); Fahmina Institute (Cirebon, Indonesia) (50 minutes).
2009 Kresna Denawa. 3-hour English language shadow puppet play performed at Cambridge University’s Festival of Ideas (with the Cambridge Gamelan) and at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester (with the Southbank Gamelan Players). Previously performed a 5-hour long Javanese version of this play in Cirebon, West Java in 1999.
2009 Arjuna Sasrabau. Shadow puppet play, performed in Javanese with royal heirloom puppets and open-flame oil lamp, Kraton Kacirebonan, Cirebon (6 hours).
2009 Sinta Colong. Shadow puppet play performed in Javanese, Indonesia and English. Sono Budoyo Museum, Yogyakarta (3 hours).
2008 Ramayana. 4 episode shadow puppet Ramayana cycle (The Birth of Ravana, Arjuna Sasrabahu, The Abduction of Sita, The Fall of Alengka), performed in English with the Southbank Gamelan Players. The British Library, London (12 hours).
2006 Palguna. Shadow puppet play, performed in English with Gamelan Puloganti. Picture Gallery, Royal Holloway, University of London (3 hours); performed in Cirebon Javanese on a 10-stop tour of the north coast of Java in 2018 sponsored by Indonesia’s Department of Education and Culture (4 hours).

2. Brett Sense Elliot Nature Is Sexy


Brett Sense Elliot

Nature Is Sexy

I expect you’ve heard of LGBT,
But what do you call a person who loves hugging trees?
Who talks to plants and walks the earth
Massaging Her with their feet to please?
You call them Ecosexual… I am an ecosexual…
My heart and body blossoms
When I see the sweet curves of Her land
The rolling hills and river fills
my soul when Her sacred water runs through my hands..

Yes I am an ecosexual
Shameless I am to say
That when the wind and sun touch my skin
I spread my legs to pray…

I taste the rainfall like I taste the pink sweat of a lover’s breast
I delight in touching smooth tree bark
And eat Her fruits with zest…

Mango from tree from roots from earth
drip sweetly from my face
the dirt that walks beneath my feet reminds me of my place…
on Her…

This polite rhythm and rhyme of verse and time doesn’t reflect the reality of desert sands or sea,
They are wild and radical and fearless and powerful and free from the laws of men and poetry
Free from all
From all but gravity.

Nature rises in storms that rages against our feeble homes
Of stacked brick and tarmac slick, nature rips to shred as she pleases
Our dreams and hopes and families
She Crushes ships like match sticks
And with ocean devours our cities...
My God She is sexy…

She can rise in 20 metre waves
Conjure 300 mile per hour winds
She will deny us rain for years
She will cleanse us of our sins…

Our sins you say our Sins?
Pray tell what could they be?
The cause that summons storms from sea
with such fierce capacity
to take everything from me??

What sins you say?
What sins you plead?
Unfortunately my friend to She, we are one humanity..

It is humanity’s ecocide
And this human proclivity
To destroy habitat and spew pollution from our cities
we burn the homes of all God’s creature-ess
With such absent minded cruelty
With stupid sworn fealty
To the Lords of so called Progress.

Oh baby… darling girlfriend Lover Earth…
I am so so sorry… we are fools…
I love You…
I love every part of You…

I love the way You touch my skin with sun and summer breeze
The way You move across the land and
Gently move the trees

I love ...

I love the way the oceans laps upon Your shores with gentle lover’s caress
The way you coax a seed to life
That sprouts like a tongue through hard shell
Just to tell the sun, I love you…

Have you ever taken off your shoes just to walk upon the grass
To feel soft Earth press your feet
Or sit amongst stretching branches
Enjoying nature’s perfect seat?

I remember She…

She who made the Earth so perfect that you can breathe
Soft and slow as you walk the streets
Or fast as you caress fresh lover’s treats
When our bodies are enmeshed like butcher’s meat
We are but meat...
Meat of flesh and bone that makes men old men
And girls old crones…

We are mortal.
We will all die you and I
And in that dying moment your life will flash across your eyes
And you will remember all the things you love.…
That playful lover that called you Peach when your skin tasted sweet
Your children playing at your feet
The friends who laughed at your stupid jokes
You’re remember the ones who always listened when you spoke…

But I… like each night and with each breath
will spare those precious moments to reflect
On sunlight speckles through sunkissed trees
Those perfect sunsets that stilled my mind and set my soul on fire
The perfect green forest under sky blue perfection
Dappled with clouds the perfectly selection
of wind and rain and sunkissed glow
I will remember as above, so below…

And with that thought cast back from my life’s end
I will begin
And say….
Nature Is Sexy.

2 Desember 2018

Brett Sense Elliot, a well-known writer and poet, lives in Australia.

3. Vittoria (German)


Vittoria (German)

He said in a seven days
Carpet on the table
What did I want to write
I forgot all

Vittoria, is a writer, lives in Germany

4. Candi (USA) The Change


Candi (USA)

The Change

Tap into the Love
Energy pulses
DNA upgrade
Each cell
Imbibing joy juices
Miracles abound

To the sound
To the Heavens
Nature's Frequency
Of Healing

To You
I am Kneeling

Thank you
For this
Revealing .

Candi Michelle,  is a poet from the United States. Louis, Missouri.

5. Naning Scheid Ono Momentin in Time


Naning Scheid

Ono Momentin in Time

On eventide, laying my peace on your chest
Stealing sounds of your pulse’ nest
among a mound of longing
Anxious body, falling in warming
Our breath is neat, serene feeling

Howling all night as many as sense
Our heartbeat is more and more intense
Wandering the travel of freedom
Towering a desire of wolf’ Edom

We are sweating mass perspiration
My love for you knows no duration

Oh dear, love is throughout the season
No fear, my heart is gripped on the horizon

Brussels, 2019.

Naning Scheid, bernama asli Sri Nurnaningrum. Lahir di Semarang, 5 Juni 1980. Penulis puisi, cerita fiksi dan non-fiksi, blogger, dan pemain teater. Sarjana FPBS UPGRIS sekaligus Sarjana SDM CEFORA Belgia. Pengajar di Fakultas Bahasa Inggris UPGRIS sebelum meninggalkan Indonesia tahun 2006. Aktif di beberapa organisasi sosial kemanusiaan di Belgia. Tinggal di Brussel, dan berkebangsaan Indonesia.
 Perjalanan Kepenulisan:
1993-1995  Beberapa puisi memenangkan lomba antar kelas maupun antar sekolah.
1997  Menulis naskah drama “Jack Tarub”, dan dipentaskan oleh Teater Sukma Semarang.
2017  “Paris, antara Mitos dan Realita” serta delapan artikel lain di
2018  “Mengenal dan Memahami Gen Z”, “Solidarisme Perempuan di Era Disrupsi dan Kelahiran Feminisme Gelombang Keempat” di Buletin PKPPA - LPPM UPGRI Semarang.
Antologi puisi: “Mimpi yang Berduri” serta empat puisi lain di antologi Persaudaraan Wanita Dunia (2018-D3M Kail), “Sabtu Siang di Simpang Lima Semarang” serta tiga puisi lain di antologi Indonesia Tanah Airku (2018–I.Dharta), “Sang Musafir” di The Talking Canting – Puisi Cinta Negeri (2018–KDS), “Eden, Melankolia” di Banjarbaru’s Rainy Day Festival 2019.
Cerpen: “Manusia Sempurna”, “Ranting-ranting Patah”, “Ne Le Dit à Personne”, “Denok Kenang”, dan beberapa fiksi mini di Facebook dan Wattpad. Novel: “Miss Gawky” (2019). 2018 - ... Menulis blog Madame Gokil di Berisi rubrik: (1) Pengetahuan Umum dan Opini, (2) Sastra Pop: Prosa, Puisi, Resensi (3) Wisata Eropa & Review, dan (4) Tips-tips Gokil.

6. Iwan Gunawan, SPD. MM I have no idea


Iwan Gunawan, SPD. MM

I have no idea

said a small child gently
while raising both hands
and bow his head

as may may be familiar,
he continued while still
raise both hands
and his eyes stared sharply
in the direction of a mother

answered a mother
in a soft voice too

I just shut up
and smile seeing the scene
this rarely happens
while muttering
beautiful nian if this happens
in my village, in my city, in my country
Bangkok, July 12, 2019

Iwan Gunawan

Come on, brother

I live among people of different languages
I live among people with different views
I live among people of different cultures
I live in the middle of the White Elephant metropolitan

Between the rows of buildings towering the sky
Among the magnificent temples
Between the traffic jams of vehicles and people
Faintly always heard the call to prayer
so melodious and solemn

Allohu Akbar Allohu Akbar, La ilahailalloh
Melted hearts feel it
Nostalgic to hear that
Dripping tears made

The country is predominantly Buddhist
Give room to everyone who has a different view
Free to live and mingle together
That is real independence

Everyone is free to do activities
in accordance with his confidence
everyone is free to move
in accordance with his conscience

during this time we often hear about tolerance
during this time we often hear about human rights
but what happened?
we are all castrated with uncertain sciences
without caring about the essential, ilahirobbi

Come on, brother, let's share
Ayu, my best friend, let's unite
Join hands together
Keep the unity and integrity of the nation
Towards the ideals of prosperity and spiritual birth

Iwan Gunawan, SPD. MM, the writer is
Indonesian School Teacher Bangkok, address Amara Court apartment soi 13 Petchabury rd Bangkok 10400

7. Chayada Binsaven Nickname Sunbeia Time Change


Chayada Binsaven Nickname Sunbeia

Time Change

The hearts of people change
Things that remain the same are just memories.
Each person's smile is in someone's memory.


Do you believe in fate?
Fate is often something that people believe and think that it is part of life.
Fate often comes by chance. Sometimes we may meet someone who or have known Someone, which we didn't expect to know.This is the charm of destiny. Maybe you are walking along the timeline of fate.

Chayada Binsaven Nickname Sunbeia .
I'm 18  years old. I 'm come from Thailand,Now I live in Bangkok  and My home are in Onnut  in the high school I'm grauduate from Sacred Heart Convent School .
Now I am freshy of Thammasat University I study In Faculty of Liberal Arts . The Branch of I study is South East Asian study.

8 Red Joan (Dwi Retno Asih) Merdeka is not a prison


Red Joan (Dwi Retno Asih)

Merdeka is not a prison

Freedom is an opportunity
For rank seekers
The desk drawer was locked by the safe
The count did not have time to be precise

Freedom is a delusion
Translucent sky translucent earth
Fly to fall because of dreams
Collided with layered imagination

But independence is also a term of life
For the fighters buried in history
Land and water are also stones, puffs of gunpowder explosion
Minions collide in shackles

But independence is not a prison
Because day and night shouted independence
At home
In the apparatus buildings
In the field
On the highway
At a red light
In the mind that was jailed for independence.

Dwi Retno Asih, choosing the pen name Redd Joan. Usually called RJ. Born 46 years ago in Lampung. Since 2004 pitted his fortune in neighboring countries until now. Become a staff of Kuala Manpower employment agency. Have followed some anthology with friends fb. Writing is a hobby and likes the world of literature as an expression of love for Indonesian.

9. Anggoro Suprapto Road to old age


Anggoro Suprapto

Road to old age

in the middle of the night I like to meditate
then I ask at solitary time
I'm on my way to getting old huh?
I smiled, when you nodded for sure
in the somber sky of the moon covered in clouds
the night is getting restless
in anxious teeth

You really are my wife
towards old not so scary
for me still calm
as long as old is manly and healthy
as long as you are smart and alert
like manawan clairvoyant
every day praying reciting spells
continue to be grateful incessantly

then when
the way to grow old arrived, I decided
just want to stay in your house, my wife
every day can see
the clearness of your neutrality
shade your face
the kids' laughter bubbled up
joking that burst forth

Ah, really
growing old is a gift
from the merciful almighty
Semarang, September 2018
Anggoro Suprapto, born in Pati (Central Java) 17 August 1962. Write anything including poetry. Has been widely published, both individuals and joint joint. The author now lives in Semarang, joined in the "Kebun Kebun Kata" Art House.

10. Buanergis Muryono Independent


Buanergis Muryono


Sometimes a lot of terms
Free yourself
Enter the free realm
I traced the field of the soul
With you sincere.
Remove all burden
or shouldered dependents.
It's hard to spell.
Each word cannot represent it.
I traced the spirit recesses
Life force
In the spiritual dimension the body is complementary
There is light in the dark
There is a black dot in the bright light.
Then I want my body to be transported to spirit
My pure spirit
We are good
Until peace
As beautiful as the horizon
Every change of appearance
That is the real life
No words are represented
Even when quiet everything is perfect.

Buanergis Muryono, Lives in Bali, Active in the world of art and culture from childhood until now. His work is called Scratching the Sky, and follows several national anthologies.

11. Heru Mugiarso Time Pilgrimage To the Mujahid of this Country


Heru Mugiarso

Time Pilgrimage
To the Mujahid of this Country

I want to invite you, my child
Here for a moment enjoy a pilgrimage of time
Because I'm sure that things have changed a lot now
And we need to reopen the footnotes on the history page

In front of this tomb I have no intention of teaching you to make an idol
To those who have peace resided in it
But if the bones that are now white are able to tell stories
Then he will tell about extraordinary love for his homeland

Blood and tears may have been mixed
Life (perhaps) is no longer valuable
When the singing of the homeland is faint and injured
Calling his son's son to sincerely serve him

The range of their journey, me and you are too far, my child
So it's natural if you are not whole in understanding it
Unfortunately they are not celebrities and because they did not have the chance to become characters
Which makes you fall in love and fascinated to the legend

Not a few of them are just ordinary people
And sometimes the names are not recorded on the tombstone
But before the Creator they are martyrs
Being in the hearts of their noble people are heroes

Want to occasionally I invite you to ponder a moment in front of the tomb
For every time they refuse to forget that this country almost never existed
If they did not take up arms and advance to palagan
And in their souls there is only one word: independence!
Semarang, 2019

Heru Mugiarso, born in Purwodadi Grobogan, June 2, 1961. Writing poetry since I was in junior high school. The works in the form of poetry, essays and short stories and articles were published in various local and national media. Approximately 80 titles of books contain his works. The award obtained is the Indonesian Literature Community Award 2003 as the best poet of 2003. His name is listed in the book What and Who is the Indonesian Poet (2017.) Two anthologies of poetry that have been published are Tilas Time (2011) and Poetry Bear Men (2017), As a resource for literary programs on the BIANGLALA SASTRA SEMARANG TV program. Also, the Community Lentera Literature Guidance majoring in Unnes Counseling Guidance.